A New Blog is Born

January 18, 2011 at 5:35 pm (Second Life) (, , , )

I owe you, my readers, an apology. I feel like I’ve left you hanging as I sorted out whether or not I would continue this blog. I’ve determined that, since I no longer spend any time–I mean none, zero, zilch–in Second Life, it really doesn’t feel right to continue to write my blog as my avatar. So instead of making a decision, I let the blog languish in the lazy lap of inaction.

But I have good news! After a long hiatus I’ve resurrected my blog but as my real-life self and not my cartoon representation. Although I miss Cindy and her voice, I hope this new blog allows my own real voice to shine through even more.

What’s the blog about, you wonder? Perhaps you can guess. I haven’t really made it a secret that, because of Second Life, my marriage and sex life took a turn toward being open and polyamorous. And I couldn’t be happier.

So do join me on my new blog, where I promise to write more frequently and discuss more openly the unique challenges or experiences that arise from being in an open marriage.

My Open Life Blog.


1 Comment

  1. Faye said,

    It seems you’ve stopped writing both blogs. Hope you’re ok.

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